FIOS Consultants

For Family Information, Options and Support

Putting you first!  We are a customer focused welfare and social service that customises our offering to your specific needs.  We are independent from all state entities.  This allows us the freedom to focus on your best interests ahead of any state or organisations interests.

We can offer a service where we will be with you every step of the process towards a positive outcome.

FIOS is an information and advocacy service with the clear objective of offering Family Information, Options and Support.

What we do at FIOS is to provide you with a path to follow to ensure that you use this knowledge and empower yourself to get what you are entitled to.

Who are we and who do we work with?

  • Solicitors
  • Tax Experts
  • Accountants
  • Child psychology
  • Occupational psychology

We are a team of highly trained individuals and professionals with extensive experience in the welfare, legal and civil system.  Our core team are backed up by:

  • Social work services
  • Counselling services
  • Social welfare services
  • Immigration laywers
  • Advocacy services

Clinic Hours

West Galway
Thursday 14:30  -17:00     
East Galway
Wednesday 2pm – 5pm
Thursday 5pm – 8pm
Clinic appointments 45 – 50 mins.

Our FEE is from €100 depending on the services needed, please contact us by email or phone for an appointment and a personal quote.

Contact us today!

Our FEE is from €100 depending on the services needed, please contact us by email or phone for an appointment and a personal quote.